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1. 为了绿色环保及便捷使用,古镇灯博会全面启用电子会刊系统。
2. 请务必收藏或截图留存电子的访问地址: https://catalogue.denggle.com/2019a/mobile_login/
3. 请妥善保管您的账号密码,一旦丢失概不负责

Thank you very much for supporting us. Suggestions on how to make better use of E-catalogue of 24th Guzhen International Lighting Fair are as follows.
1. The organizers only provide online catalogue instead of paper form this year, which is perfectly in harmony with the green and environment-friendly theme of 24th Guzhen International Lighting Fair.
2. Please save the website address of E-catalogue of Guzhen International Lighting Fair. https://catalogue.denggle.com/2019a/mobile_login/
3. Please keep your account information properly. The organizers shall not be liable for any losses. 关闭/close